The Canadian Red Cross’ mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world. The goal of the Swimming & Water Safety Program is to improve the quality of life by giving people the skills to make safe choices, increase physical fitness, prevent injuries and act in emergency and rescue situations.
About the Red Cross and the Swimming & Water Safety Program
The Canadian Red Cross sells the Fox 40 whistle to their Swimming & Water Safety Instructors to encourage these individuals to promote safety around the water. This also ensures they are provided with the best and most reliable whistle available which allows them to alert others of an issue or emergency.
The Canadian Red Cross Society is part of the largest humanitarian network in the world, which includes 187 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies dedicated to improving the situation of the most vulnerable people throughout the world. Their range of programs and services includes disaster relief, both domestically and internationally, community health services, first aid, swimming and water safety, and violence and abuse prevention education. Through the Swimming & Water Safety Program, the Canadian Red Cross brings swimming skills and water safety education to over 1.1 million Canadians each year.
For more information, please visit www.redcross.ca/swim

The Whistle Alert program is an inexpensive and highly effective crime prevention measure that many colleges and universities have implemented. This program is one of the most popular crime prevention programs at colleges and universities where it is employed because it keeps people aware of the responsibility to protect themselves. The Whistle Alert program is designed to help everyone on campus at taking an active and safe role in reducing campus crime. Also, by having the whistle as a constant reminder, participants gain confidence that they have the means to deal with security situations that may arise.
About the Whistle Alert Program
Whistles are widely distributed during each orientation session, and on an as-needed basis throughout the year by Campus Security. Whistles are dispersed with instructions, stating that the whistles are to be carried at all times, commonly on a key chain (or backpack or jacket). If a person feels threatened or in danger, he or she should blow their whistle continuously until help arrives. Persons hearing the sound are to respond by blowing their whistles, when near the scene, to help attract others or to scare away a possible perpetrator.
To make the program effective, the campus community at large must be aware of the program and how it works. This can be accomplished by distributing a one page flyer describing the program to college personnel and to the individuals and businesses in the area surrounding the college. There must also be sanctions if the whistles are blown as a joke or false alarm.
Most colleges find an effective deterrent is to impose a fine that ranges from $75 to $500 if a person is found to have sounded the whistle falsely.

Choosing a Whistle
A basic, high-quality whistle such as the Fox 40 Classic whistle should be used. Many whistles have been known to malfunction under certain conditions, so it’s important to choose a pealess whistle that delivers a high-pitched, penetrating sound. Fox 40 produces many top quality pealess whistles. The pealess design, with no moving parts, makes Fox 40 whistles resistant to freezing, jamming or deteriorating. These whistles cannot be overblown. The harder you blow, the louder the sound!
Customize for Commitment
To insure program success, colleges and universities can imprint their logo on each whistle for a nominal charge. This transforms the whistle from a utilitarian item into a keepsake, thus encouraging more individuals to carry and take care of it. If additional whistles are required, they can typically be sent by courier within a few days, depending on the quantity required.
Help to Get Started
Fox 40 International Inc. is pleased to share a package on starting a Whistle Alert Program on your campus. The package includes a Campus Security Alert brochure which provides information on the effectiveness of this program, as well as procedures on how to establish and maintain an effective Whistle Alert Program. Fox 40 also provides sample brochures which can be used in developing your own program and publicizing it to the community.
Click Here to Download the Brochure
For more information on the Whistle Alert Program, please email foxinfo@fox40world.com.
AdventureSmart is a national program dedicated to encouraging Canadians and visitors to Canada to “Get informed and go outdoors”. AdventureSmart combines online and on-site awareness with targeted outreach to try and reduce the frequency and severity of Search and Rescue incidents. AdventureSmart’s Hug-A-Tree and Survive, Snow Safety Education Program, Survive Outside, Survive Outside Snowmobiling and PaddleSmart Programs focus on trip planning, training and taking the essentials including the importance of carrying a signaling device like a Fox 40 whistle to alert others in case of emergency.

Current AdventureSmart programs include:
Hug a Tree and Survive Canada
This presentation is aimed at children in Grades K-5. It teaches children how not to become lost in the woods, and what to do if they should become lost.
Snow Safety Education Program
This presentation is aimed at children in Grades 4-6, teaching ski hill safety and signage, and backcountry information including "Out of Bounds" hazards.
Survive Outside Program
This presentation is aimed at people aged 12-99. It focuses on Trip Planning, Training and Taking the Essentials. It includes information on how to alert the Search and Rescue system and focuses on survivability pending rescue.
Survive Outside Snowmobiling
This presentation is geared for snowmobilers and uses much of the content from Survive Outside adapted to winter conditions. Segments feature travel tips on both snow and ice, including critical information when travelling in avalanche terrain.
This presentation is designed for youth and adults who want to paddle, whether it is using stand-up paddleboards, kayaks or canoes. Topics include trip planning, training and taking the essentials for water based activities. Segments on moving water and coastal water can be added to the presentation depending on location.
For more information on the AdventureSmart Programs, please visit www.adventuresmart.ca
The Play, Live, Be Tobacco-Free program is a movement that promotes that everyone taking part in a sport or recreational activity does not use tobacco industry products. This means that participants, parents, coaches, spectators and leaders do not smoke, snuff, dip, or chew tobacco while engaged in sport and recreation.
About the Program
Play, Live, Be Tobacco-Free is an Ontario-based movement that promotes tobacco-free
activity in sport and recreation. The movement is a collaboration of public health, sport
and non-profit organizations that support local, regional and provincial decision-makers
in developing tobacco-free policies. Tobacco-free policies establish safe, healthy spaces
for participants, coaches, parents, leaders, spectators and officials and protect against
the negative effects of tobacco product use and exposure.
Why it's important:
Prevents youth from starting to use tobacco industry products
Gives everyone a chance to perform at their best
Protects the environment
Protects against second-hand smoke
Helps smokers quit
Creates a tobacco-free culture
For more information on this program, please email foxinfo@fox40world.com or visit www.playlivebetobaccofree.ca

The Canadian Rangers and Junior Canadian Rangers in Ontario wear bright red whistles attached to their clothing and/or equipment to use in case of emergency while out on the land or in the wilderness.
About the Red Whistle Programme
Canadian Rangers and Junior Canadian Rangers in Ontario wear bright red whistles attached to their clothing and/or equipment to use in case of emergency while out on the land or in the wilderness. This initiative came from 3 CRPG (Canadian Ranger Patrol Group Ontario) as a way to commemorate the millennium and help promote safety awareness at the same time. The theme of "wear the whistle" was heavily promoted along with the Youth Wilderness Safety Program. The idea behind the project is that blowing the whistle can bring help in order to save lives and reduce injuries.

The red whistle is a Fox 40 whistle with a split ring, emblazoned with the Canadian Rangers crest. A 7-minute
promotional video and poster featuring "Polar Pete" also accompanied the whistles as they made their way to
all patrols throughout Canada. The cost of purchasing and distributing the whistles was covered by a grant
from the Government of Canada through its Youth Employment Strategy program.
Today, Fox 40 Whistles are standard safety equipment for Canadian Rangers and Canadian Junior Rangers.
For more information on the Red Whistle Programme, please email foxinfo@fox40world.com
or visit http://www.jcr-rjc.ca/en/what-we-do/jcr-safety.page

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD Canada) is a charitable, grassroots organization that is committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting the victims/survivors of this violent crime.
About MADD Canada’s Whistle Program
MADD Canada uses the Fox 40 whistle as a symbol of support for their campaign. The Fox 40 whistle should be attached to an individual’s boat, motorcycle, car, truck or other motor vehicle keychain as one final reminder before starting the engine not to drink and drive.
Dave Foxcroft, Fox 40’s President and C.O.O., donated his time to be a part of MADD Canada’s 2009-2010 School Assembly Program, Wasted. He is featured as the basketball referee. You can see a preview of Wasted here.
For more information, please email foxinfo@fox40world.com or visit www.madd.ca